During Milano Design Weeek, in 14 via Dante, Milan, there’s now only one unique destination: Barcelona, with all its colors, its collective and sunny nature, its multitude of characters, cultural heritage, forms and traditions. The Inspired in Barcelona: Mediterranean Design exhibition indeed makes the most authentic soul of this city come true. The event – promoted byCatalonia Trade & Investment, Ajuntament de Barcelona and organized by BCD Barcelona Centre de Disseny with the participation of Habitat Cluster Barcelona – brings to Milan Design Week a piece of Barcelona’s lifestyle through the “Warm, Diverse, Open, Emotional” main issues, the selection of about 100 design products and a double exhibition layouts.

Inspired in Barcelona: Mediterranean Design, Milan, April 2019
Two exhibition spaces, parallel to each other, are thus proposed to highlight in in a different way how the Mediterranean is a source of creativity: the first layout, designed by Emiliana Design Studio for BCD Barcelona Centre de Disseny offers an overall scenario of the city and abstractly emphasizes – through chairs, outdoor stools, lounge sofas and rattan sittings, different type of lighting products, natural fiber carpets, office and contract systems and urban furniture – the traditional public spaces like streets, squares and waterfronts, hospitality areas and inhabit styles. The second exhibition layout is instead designed by CODIC – Col.legi de Dissenyadores d’Interiors i Decoradors de Catalunya for Habitat Cluster Barcelona: it is conceived like an experimental lab, where finishings, the most common and innovative materials, decoration ideas for indoor and outdoor and textile solutions are matched together.

Inspired in Barcelona: Mediterranean Design, Milan, April 2019

Inspired in Barcelona: Mediterranean Design, Milan, April 2019

Inspired in Barcelona: Mediterranean Design, Milan, April 2019
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